Monday, August 10, 2020

3% loan offer


Are you having one or two difficulties from other financial instrument lender?

As regards to secure the acquisition of BG/SBLC for project financing. I am direct to a private investor specifically for cash loan.

As a professional in this industry with over 20years experience, I will advise that you seek for a cash loan instead of a BG/SBLC. Note that in the market today it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a genuine BG/SBLC from any of the AAA rated banks. All you have flying around are 100% fakes.

Also, when you get a genuine BG/SBLC (which is almost impossible), it will be very difficult for you to monetize it at the same face value issued thereby running short of funds. I hope you know that not all platforms or countries accept BG/SBLC, thereby making it worthless. The lease fee for a genuine BG is 35% while for purchase is 52%. Compare this cost to the interest rate of 3% in acquisition of a cash loan; you would agree with me that getting a cash loan is far better.

Moreover, our loan (Company) will give you the loan an interest rate of 3%. if interested do not hesitate to contact me to direct you to the loan company.


Mr Sebastian Alfred